

Antonello Manacorda conductor - Andrea Bacchetti piano - I Pomeriggi Musicali Orchestra
MOZART Concerts K 413, K 414, Variaztions K 264, Fantasia K 397, Rondo K 485
La Bottega Discantica (Ducale) Discantica 147
Mozart lives, the little that belongs to him, in a very reckless balance between the urgency of money and the urgency of genius. He is 26 years old and writes the concerts here in the title for Vienna, plus the K 415: he seeks income from publishers and the public, he appears on the podium and plays. ... Andrea Bacchetti - whose luxurious international performances have not taken away either study or curiosity about music - is a cultured and very good pianist. The feeling is that he shares with the Mozart of that moment some dreams and some disillusionments: in phrasing that articulates keyboard wisdom, he tells and holds back ...


www.musicaedischi.it - gennaio 2009 (Diana Leva)

... for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, dance show Bach Sonatas, in front of the others' pain will be on stage at Municipal Theatre, with Virgilio Sieni's company that's going to interpret the eleven pieces make up the Bach's Three Sonatas; music will be executed live by cellist Rocco Filippini and pianist Andrea Bacchetti ...

With Sieni Bach's music is danced - his company in eleven pieces executed by Filippini and Bacchetti

Libertà, Piacenza - January 25th, 2009 - Arianna Belli

An exceptional choreography (among the most beautiful sixteen ones in Twentieth Century) reminds us eleven tragic war episodes happened between 1994 and 2006, emblematic dates that are been collected around pieces that are part of Three Sonatas for cello and piano played live by Rocco Filippini and Andrea Bacchetti ...

Virgilio Sieni's "Sonatas" in front of the others' pain

La Cronaca di Piacenza - January 25th, 2009

... "Collaboration with Sieni - Filippini and Bacchetti said - comes from curiosity and possibility to play combining music and dance; Sieni has a long relationship with Bach, that is always actual, and this particular juxtaposition of his music to solitude tragedy is really interesting" ...

"Bach, really actual and all to dance"

Libertà, Piacenza - January 26th, 2009 - Eleonora Bagarotti

... Eleven choreographies as physic architectures among gesture, painting and photography ... we attend an assay to communicate the incommunicable through Rocco Filippini's cello and Andrea Bacchetti's piano, images and dance that is ritual, sacral medium of meeting with the other ...

"In this way the body transfigures pain"

Libertà, Piacenza - January 27th, 2009 - Elisa Malacalza

... Bacchetti confirms once again his great musicality and his fancy for research and sounds and colours' choices that enrich music for keyboard written in Italian Eighteenth Century, music that the artist - he more than any other before - is bringing back to light ...

Symphonies by Galuppi, Haydn and Mozart live again with Bacchetti

Rome, Portici - February 10th, 2009 - Valentina di Matteo

It's difficult to attend an execution of Bach's music better than Genoese pianist Bacchetti's ... the pianist conquered the audience with lustre and clearness that he produced every single note with, every embellishment, without ever falling in those slight and accidental executive imperfections that often come with live performances. Every single note was simply perfect ... his sober, severe pianism - supported by an exceptional technique but lacking in striking gestures - materializes sonorous waterfalls made of soft velvet ... Great music for a great interpreter ...

Languid and majestic Bacchetti - From Bach to Debussy and Chopin among learned melodic crossings

Libertà, Piacenza - February 21st, 2009 - Alessandra Gregori

... After having faced Bach's counterpoint with skill and strength, Bacchetti presented a selection from Lieder ohne Worte by Mendelssohn and, after these inner cantos, an anthology by Debussy, passionate romanticism by Chopin and, as final, a riff full of jazz movements ... it's not possible not to appreciate Bacchetti's love for keyboard and music ...

Andrea Bacchetti's polyhedral pianism

Corriere di Novara - March 14th, 2009 - Alessandro Curini

... in the afternoon at Cittanova Palace there will be the first of appointments dedicated to commented reading of newspapers and magazines: "One day in Italy" started holding a bigwig of Italian Information, Enrico Mentana ... Mentana, ex director of one of most important Italian newscasts spoke about strictly actuality themes ... The event, that scored the official opening of the exhibit, has been the hearing of Pachelbel's Canon first version, soundtrack of these four days of appointments. A condensed musical tale that has been repeat last night by the pianist Andrea Bacchetti (who will be engaged in Johann Sebastian Bach Marathon) that hasn't lack to collect large consents ...

"Tale Festival, irresistible and funny game made of words and music"

La Cronaca, Cremona - April 17th, 2009 - Eleonora Olivi

Pachelbel's Canon is a kind of music history's pantheon and under its dome there were many people, from Mozart (who used it in The Magic Flute) to Brian Eno. Yesterday in Cittanova the pianist Andrea Bacchetti - we remember him as protagonist also in a similar initiative in the Duomo, last year always for Tale Festival - started his Bach Marathon from just this piece, well known to Kantor. The remaining program is all Bach's music - as it has to be - and it spaces from English Suite in D minor to several Chorales. A essay of great interpretative rigor, for the young Genoese pianist.

"Bacchetti, interpretative rigor in Bach Marathon"

La Provincia, Cremona - April 18th, 2009 - (ro.c.)

... El pianista es considerado un gran músico mistico por su capacidad de hacer que la audiencia comparta no solo una simple interpretación, sino un culto de inspirada admiración de la belleza ...

"Festival de música clasica hasta el viernes"

Cultura 23, Guayaquil - 25 de Mayo 2009

Bacchetti toca el piano con sutileza. Acaricia las teclas, aún en las notas fuertes las teclas son accionadas en movimientos cortos. Es un pianista de estilo sobrio, pero de sonido vigoroso. En los descansos, cuando es el turno de la Orquesta, se da de pequeños golpes en el corazón siguiendo el ritmo, su cuerpo delgado desborda pasión. "El piano me permite eso, comunicar mis emociones", dice el genovès ...


expresiones, Guayaquil - 2 de Junio 2009 - (AGV)

Der 32-järige italienische Pianist Andrea Bacchetti wurde bereits als Kind von Musiker-Legenden wie Karajan, Magaloff oder Horszowski gefördert. Heute gastiert er regelmäßig in den großen Konzerthäusern Europas. Sein Bach-Spiel widersetzt sich konventionellen Interpretationsansatzen, er versucht, eigene ästhetische Vorstellungen zu etablieren. Tatschlich vermag es Bacchetti, Grenzen auszuloten und diese gegebenenfalls auch zu sprengen. Das Ergebnis irritiert und beglückt gleichermaßen.

CD-Empfehlungen | MDR FIGARO take 5 | Andrea Bacchetti plays Bach

www.mdr.de/mdr-figaro/musik - 13/06/2009

... his unaltered talent continues to enchant audiences and so it will be also next Wednesday, when the pianist is going to perform with the flautist Mario Ancillotti in St. Nicolas Church, on Capraia Island, in the fourth international exhibition ...

Pianist Andrea Bacchetti is the star of Capraia Festival

La Nazione, Lucca - August 2nd, 2009 - (E.S.)

... August 5th: here the young Andrea Bacchetti, sober, severe pianist, very concentrated on Twentieth Century, who duets with the valuable flute of Mario Ancillotti for Mozart and Bach ...

"Sunsets, stars and concerts. Classic nights in Capraia"

Il Tirreno, Lucca - August 3rd, 2009 - (g.m.)

... Posada acompañó muy bien a dos buenos solistas: el joven violinista Erzhan Kulibaev y, sobre todo, el interesantísimo pianista Andrea Bacchetti, también joven pero con un reconocimiento internacional más amplio. ...

Luces y sombras de otoño

mundoclasico.com - 30/09/2009 (José Del Rincón)



... kurzfristig eingesprungene Pianist Andrea Bacchetti fügte sich am Bösendorfer zunehmend nahtlos ein. Großer Applaus für den "Herrenabend" mit dem Quartetto di Cremona aus der Stradivari-Stadt. Ein feiner Start in die Saison.

Ein Herrenabend der gediegenen Sorte

Nürnberger Zeitung - 29/09/2009 - (Anja Barckhausen)

Appointment with Italian music between XVIII and XX century this evening at the St. Filippo Neri Oratory ... On the stage, the Genoese pianist Andrea Bacchetti ... pianist since he was four, now at the age of 32 he's one of the most brilliant young pianists on the Italian scene.

Three centuries of Italian music with Andrea Bacchetti

Leggo, ed. Bologna - October 22nd, 2009

Italy on keyboard, from harpsichord to grand piano, from XVII to XX century ... the program of this young Genoese pianist synthesize effectively three centuries of musical history in 90 minutes, approaching shining sonorities of Galuppi and Scarlatti to architectural strength of Cherubini till the virtuosity of Clementi ... Among these, as a totem there's the aesthetic complexity of our time, the Petite Suite and two pieces taken from the Six Encores by Luciano Berio ...

Three centuries in ninety minutes on keyboard

Il Resto del Carlino, Bologna - October 22nd, 2009 - (Uberto Martinelli)

... the interpreter, in addition to play, explains pieces in program and tells about himself: it's Musica pourparler, IUC cylce that's starting tomorrow with the thirty-two-year-old Andrea Bacchetti, one of most interesting pianists, an artist open to the most several experiences ...

Classic Music - I explain and play it to you

Il Messaggero, Rome - October 26th, 2009 - (Alfredo Gasponi)

... a special formula of concerts that's for all music lovers but with a special eye for students ... The interpreters are young too, like Andrea Bacchetti, deep Bach connoisseur but also appreciated Romanticism interpreter ...

What, where

l'Opinione, Rome - October 27th, 2009

Andrea Bacchetti's fame flies far. His last CD, dedicated to "Inventions and Sinfonias for keyboard by Bach", a few months since its release consecrated him as one of greatest interpreters of Bach nowadays ...

Bacchetti's piano makes romantic music fly

Il Secolo XIX, Genoa - November 2nd, 2009 - (Giorgio De Martino)



Andrea Bacchetti dará este domingo el concierto que inaugure la novena edición del Premio Internacional de Piano Frechilla-Zuloaga. Luego como miembro del jurado, el pianista italiano conocerá el Teatro Zorrilla... Además de Bacchetti forman parte del jurado Antonio Baciero, Beatrice Berthold (Alemania), Alexander Kandelaki (Georgia) y Pedro Zuloaga ...

27 pianistas de 12 país concursarán en el Premio Frechilla-Zuloaga

El Norte de Castilla, Valladolid - 13 de noviembre del 2009 - (V.M. Niño)

... el pianista italiano Bacchetti será el encargado a las 20.00 horas del concierto inaugural extraordinario, que se celebrará en la Sala de Cámara del Centro Cultural Miguel Delibes de Valladolid. ...

El pianista Andrea Bacchetti inaugura esta noche el Premio Frechilla-Zuloaga

El Diario de Valladolid - 15 de noviembre del 2009

El piano es un mundo. Comprende todas las músicas posibles. Lo comprobamos en las sesiones celebradas en el Auditorio, repleto de público. Andrea Bacchetti, en su cuarta actuación en Valladolid, mostró su peculiar forma de entender la interpretación. ...

El piano rey

El Norte de Castilla, Valladolid - 22 de noviembre del 2009 - (Fernando Herrero)

... An attractive concert played without sheet music by Bacchetti, who gift another essay of his great professionalism. A duet between him and his piano, a challenge between human hands and keyboard that resulted the diffusion of a suave music able to reconcile spirit to very large and present audience.

Andrea Bacchetti enthused audience with Bach's Goldberg Variations

www.piazzarossetti.it - November 22nd, 2009
