Concert Program

Friday, July 28th

Charity concert
in tribute to Captain Elvio Arimondo

Francesca Riva (guitar)
Third ranked at the Rovere d'Oro 2016

Saturday, July 29th

The violin Virtuoso
Andrea Cardinale (violin) and
Alessandro Magnasco (piano)

Sunday, July 30th

Opéra et Fantaisie
Giuseppe Nova (flute) and
Andrea Bacchetti (piano)

Monday, July 31st

La musica española en la guitarra
Javier Garcia Moreno (guitar)

Tuesday, August 1st

Fascinated by Argentina - Ginastera's music
Atsuko Seta (piano)
The evening will be opened by the pianist's concert
Eugen Starodubtsev,
Second ranked at the Rovere d'Oro 2016

Wednesday, August 2nd

Sur des peintures de Gustave Courbet
Françoise Choveaux (piano)
The evening will be opened by the violinist's concert
Michele Pierattelli,
Fourth ranked at the Rovere d'Oro 2016

Thursday, August 3rd

Final of the International Competition
Rovere d'Oro 2017 and prizes

Organized by Rovere d'Oro Association,
President Rita Romani Arimondo
Artistic director Christian Lavernier
with the contribution of the Municipality